Hi There!
Gosh...it's been ages since my last post. *rollseyes* the usual busy life. Mad hectic with finals and then it was straight to working life. FML finished exam on Sat, started work Monday. Uni is a plain muthafuuu- Oh and to top that up, I've worked a month straight with NO WEEKEND BREAKS. 9am-8pm e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y. HAH! Beat that bitches. So, because of that... I ended up where I am now. At home. In Malacca. In front of le laptop. Blogging. Half-dizzy and 11 types of medication from 2 docs WAITING to be swallowed. YAY! :D
We'll get to that later.
ARRH! Geeky mode. ;)
So, ok let's talk about what kinda job I've been doing. Since people have been asking, I'll just explain right here. But first things first, the work I signed up for was NOT what I had in mind to actually deal with.Yes I was prepared for the stress and frenzies aaand the company's politics/drama but NO, not so much of the OTs and mad projects till have to work every weekend that kind. =S
I guess most companies really do love making full use of their interns. Which in my case, I wasn't all well prepared physically. See, I was coughing in the midst of exams and it dragged on for toooo long. Ok, again we'll get to that part later. Nyaha.
Here's a picture of Lola. Just finished trimming her nails and giving her a bath. She was all cuddly and hyped but camera-shy. Naawww...
And here's how I show Chubbybum my appreciation. =)
ps: There were a few errors. That's cause I had to type that in like 15 secs before my mentor came back to the office desk. LOL.
One of my- Ok wait. My only favourite part in the office was when ladyboss Sandra got us this cake from Alexis. BESTFREAKINGCAKEEVAAAHHH! Mad delicious I tell you.
Boy am I glad I managed to come back last week for my best friend's 21st. Le best friend of 13 years. *sniff. Feel so blessed to have spent childhood days to teenage years with her. And now we're so gonna ROCK our adulthood together. :D
Some pics with my girls. =)
The one picture that got me decided to go for a haircut.
Had "brunch" with BabyLove. It's always great catching up with this maknenek. We have too much in common it's crazy at times.
AAHHH...and then off to the saloon. Wanted to trim and IDK what went wrong...
But yea, I marched out of the saloon with this hair.
Not that bad la. right? =S
There was a pinch of regret but what choice do I have. =(
Nvm, le hair will grow.
FAST. i hope.
This was yesterday. Was back for the weekend and le body was and is too weak to go back to work. It was time to visit a specialist cause I practically swallowed panadols everyday. It's been a week I suffered from severe headache. And by Sunday I was too weak to even walk. Coughed like puki every 5 mins and my God, I could hear echos when people were talking. I could hear my heartbeat loud and clear and my hands and feet were frozen cold. Lying down makes me feel like puking cause the entire room was spinning. Sitting up made my head heavy and whatever condition I was in, it just didn't feel comfortable at all. Wanna go pee also took me 10 mins to walk to the toilet beside my room. wtf.
Mom took me to the hospital for an X-Ray. Lungs were alright but weak. My pressure was low and according to the Doc, my heartbeat's beating too fast. Hands were shivering and I had trouble breathing. Immediately was sent to do a blood test and was suspected with Thyroid and Asthma. Doc also gave me some strong medication cause I was suffering from severe migraine. He also insisted that I take a week off to rest at home. Anything could trigger the asthma attack. So here I am haha!
The hospital called a while ago and THANK HEAVENS I don't have thyroid but the asthma is at the very beginning stage. Good rest would prevent it from becoming worse and there's hope of recovering. So yea... *phiew!
Now can I just say that is one of the sweetest thing a friend has ever done for me?
She woke up early just to cook me porridge. Rushed to class and then rushed to send to me.
Mad touched. Mad love. Mad yummy too! X)
Only thing was, I think she forgot I have a BIG appetite. haha!
So tak cukup. LOL.
Thanks a lot Lynette. <3 u till death! =)
Ok, I shall have my rest now. Mom nagging again as always (but I missed he naggings. wtf) So ok I gtg. Will blog again soon whenever I can.
Till then.